upcoming classes with open spots

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Potential Classes

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These are classes people want to set up together with another family.  Leave a comment if you are interested in joining or have further questions.  Be sure to include relevant information, like contact info, or suggestions.  

Location: Lafayette Public Library class

Open spots:


Age range:

Other preferences:

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Class duration: 6/12 week

Meeting time and day:

Starting day:

Number of students: 

Age range of students:

Class location:

*Joining students should be similar in age.  *Groups should have no more than 8 students.

Request to join (this should be a button that asks a few questions about the incoming students)

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digital art classes

Adult's Contact Information
Your Group's Profile
Class Preferences

start a group for digital art classes

Can’t find exactly what you’re looking for? Set your preferences and see if others are interested in joining you to form a new group.

Contact Information
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Can’t find exactly what you’re looking for? Set your preferences and see if others are interested in joining you to form a new group.

Contact Information
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spanish classes

Adult's Contact Information
Your Group's Profile
Class Preferences

contact Miguel

Sample Sessions
for Digital Art Classes

This is meant to show the format and content of each class.  It may be adjusted to meet the level and preference of each group.  

Week 1: "Brush-tastic Beginnings"

Project: Create a whimsical monster friend!

Skills learned

  • Introduction to Procreate interface
  • Using and customizing brushes
  • Undo, redo, and navigating the canvas

Extra practice

  • Experiment with different brushes to make textures for fur, scales, or skin
  • Create more monster friends using what they learned

Week 2: "Layer Cake Creations"

Project: Design a layered cupcake with frosting and sprinkles

Skills Learned:

  • Understanding and using layers
  • Adding and adjusting colors
  • Organizing elements for a multi-layered project

Extra Practice:

  • Draw other desserts (cookies, donuts, etc.) and use layers for toppings

Week 3: "Shape it Up!"

Project: Build a silly robot with basic shapes

Skills Learned:

  • Using selection tools to create precise shapes
  • Transforming and resizing objects
  • Applying symmetry to create balance


Extra Practice:

  • Practice making new robots using symmetry tools or freehand

Week 4: "Texture Treasure Hunt"

Project: Draw a magical underwater scene with textured fish

Skills Learned:

  • Applying textures using brushes and patterns
  • Using clipping masks for detailed designs
  • Experimenting with opacity to create depth

Extra Practice:

  • Add more fish or creatures to the underwater scene, trying different textures

Week 5: "Color Pop Parade"

Project: Illustrate a parade float with vibrant colors

Skills Learned:

  • Creating and using color palettes
  • Applying gradients and blending colors
  • Using the smudge tool for soft effects


Extra Practice:

  • Draw a parade of floats using custom palettes

Week 6: "Finale Fiesta: Show-Stopping Scene"

Project: Create a complete illustration of a silly cityscape

Skills Learned:

  • Combining all skills: brushes, layers, shapes, textures, and colors
  • Organizing complex illustrations
  • Exporting and sharing artwork

Extra Practice:

  • Finish their cityscape or add characters to make it come alive
send Miguel a message if you have any questions

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